Please enjoy Lessons Learned from the 100th Infantry Battalion by the 3rd Graders of Mrs. Karisse Sakahara's class for the 100th Infantry Battalion's 80th Anniversary and for Memorial Day 2022. Mrs. Sakahara’s grandfather, Tokuichi Hayashi, was a member of the original 100th Infantry Battalion.
"We are never too young to start learning from the example of our homegrown 100th Battalion soldiers. In celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Battalion’s formation, third grade students in Mrs. Karisse Sakahara’s class studied a brief history of the highly-decorated group of men. They also discussed the values they saw demonstrated in the men’s choices, actions, and sacrifices. To wrap up their learning, the students wrote about how they would uphold those values and, in turn, honor our 100th Battalion heroes in their own lives." ー Karisse Sakahara